I am the Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer (CDO) at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), which manages the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) based in Boulder, CO. My role is to coordinate the various diversity, equity & inclusion activities at UCAR|NCAR, to support the diversification of UCAR|NCAR's staff, to help build and maintain welcoming and inclusive environments across the organization, and to partner with external organizations across the geosciences to do the same in our field.
I hold a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Southampton, and a MA in Education from Claremont Graduate University. My MA research focused on LGBTQIA individuals in higher education, and how to improve campus climates for underrepresented students, particularly in Science, Engineering, Technology and Math (STEM).
My background is in astronomy: I worked for the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) based at the California Institute of Technology for 10 years. Starting as a visiting graduate student, I returned as a postdoc, a staff scientist supporting NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI), and finally as IPAC's Education and Outreach Scientist and Deputy Lead for Public Affairs. My astronomy research has largely wrapped up, but when I dabble, it's in searching for dust disks around single white dwarfs and white dwarf binary systems, and working with colleagues in the hunt for exoplanets.
My MA in Education was through Claremont Graduate University in the School of Educational Studies. My focus during my MA was on the experiences of underrepresented students in K-16 education, with a particular interest in creating more inclusive environments for underrepresented students STEM. My thesis, on best practices for supporting LGBTQ students in STEM higher education, is available on my publications page. I also conducted research into outreach to the general public, and what factors affected their interest in supporting government spending on STEM research.
In 2014, I moved to Boulder to serve as the Director for Diversity, Education & Outreach at NCAR. I was responsible for the coordination of all DEO programs across NCAR, and for partnering with UCAR's Community Programs.
Download my resume here: Brinkworth_CV.pdf
I hold a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Southampton, and a MA in Education from Claremont Graduate University. My MA research focused on LGBTQIA individuals in higher education, and how to improve campus climates for underrepresented students, particularly in Science, Engineering, Technology and Math (STEM).
My background is in astronomy: I worked for the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) based at the California Institute of Technology for 10 years. Starting as a visiting graduate student, I returned as a postdoc, a staff scientist supporting NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI), and finally as IPAC's Education and Outreach Scientist and Deputy Lead for Public Affairs. My astronomy research has largely wrapped up, but when I dabble, it's in searching for dust disks around single white dwarfs and white dwarf binary systems, and working with colleagues in the hunt for exoplanets.
My MA in Education was through Claremont Graduate University in the School of Educational Studies. My focus during my MA was on the experiences of underrepresented students in K-16 education, with a particular interest in creating more inclusive environments for underrepresented students STEM. My thesis, on best practices for supporting LGBTQ students in STEM higher education, is available on my publications page. I also conducted research into outreach to the general public, and what factors affected their interest in supporting government spending on STEM research.
In 2014, I moved to Boulder to serve as the Director for Diversity, Education & Outreach at NCAR. I was responsible for the coordination of all DEO programs across NCAR, and for partnering with UCAR's Community Programs.
Download my resume here: Brinkworth_CV.pdf